Now change your To IP to your Xbox IP you wrote down earlier Designed for Gamers and Xbox fanatics. In the ARP Spoofing tab, your From value IP should be your default gateway (router), it should be the first IP at the top. Made of Alias, an optional picture or an avatar (which is also known as gamerpic) it displays some information to represent you when you [ Go onto your Xbox One and open Settings > Network Settings > and take note of your Xbox's IP address. In the Xbox world, a Gamertag is your alter ego. Resolve Gamertags and learn how to pull IPs with ease on the latest tools provided by Xbox Booter About Xbox Resolver Xbox Resolver is software through which you submit a Gamertag and you will be returned an IP address.
In addition, to booting people offline on Xbox. Xbox booter is a network monitoring and packet analysis applications designed to sniff, intercept and pull IP's from Xbox Live sessions.